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Rule 27 of Legal Metrology Packaged Commodites Rules , 2011 insists that every packer or Importer of packaged commodities should register  themselves with this Department on payment of requisite fees. Non Registration as provided here will attract penality as provided in rule 32.

Standard Operating Procedure for Applicant
ProcessPacker/Importer Registration
Mandatory supporting documents required1. Application through online

2. Registration Fee payment receipt (Rs 750)

3. Trade Licence issued by Local body

4. Partnership/Articles of Association as the case may be

5. Rent/Lease/Ownership certificate of the building

6. Building Tax receipt

Process descriptionStep 1: Submission of application through online along with supporting documents toAssistant Controller (Flying Squad) of concerned District after the payment ofregistration fee within 90 days of starting the packing/importing.

Step2: Verification of application and supporting documents by Assistantcontroller  through online and after the inspection of premise forward the  application to Controller, Legal Metrology through online.

Step3: Issue of Registration by Controller, Legal Metrology

Procedure for Fees paymentOnline
List of Reference DocumentsLegal Metrology Act 2009

Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011

Rules 27, Rules 32

Time line for completing the processTotal time allowed for the issue o Registration – 60 working days

Time allowed to the Deputy Controller Flying Squad – 30 working days
Time allowed to the Joint Controller of the Zone – 30 Working days

Checking of Application StatusThrough online
Key Contact Person from departmentDeputy Controller (Flying Squad) of concerned District
SOP for Approver
ProcessPacker/Importer Registration
Mandatory supporting documents required1. Application form

2. Registration Fee – Rs 750

3. Trade Licence issued by Local body

List of Reference DocumentsLegal Metrology Act 2009

Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011

Rules 27, Rules 32

Time line for completing the processTotal time allowed for the issue of Registration – 60 working days

Time allowed to the Deputy Controller Flying Sqaud – 30 working days
Time allowed to the Joint Controller of the Zone – 30 working days

Departmental Work FlowDeputy Controller (FS)—- Joint Controller of the Zone concerned
Checklist of Documents

Trade Licence issued by Local body

Regulation Of Pre-Packing And Sale Of Commodities In Packaged Form

Kerala, being a consumer state most of the products are sold in packaged form. Nowadays super markets and department stores are more popular in the place of traditional provision stores. The Central Government established the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 to regulate manufacture, packing and sale of commodities in packaged form. The Legal Metrology Department is empowered with the enforcement of these rules. Department conducts regular inspections in trade premises and books cases against those violating these rules.

  •  Registration of packer or importer.
  •  Enforcement of statutory declarations on packages.
  •  Prosecution of offenders altering, smudging or obliterating the price marked on packages.
  •  Prosecution of offenders selling packages at a price higher than the MRP.