About Legal Metrology Department

Metrology is the Science of Measurement. Department of Legal Metrology (Formerly known as Department of Weights and Measures) is empowered to certify the accuracy of weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments used for transaction and protection to safeguard the interest of consumers. This is done by enforcement of various provisions of Legal Metrology Act 2009 and Rules made there under including Packaged Commodities Rules.

Aim of the Department
  • Maintenance of accuracy in all weights Measures used in Trade, Commerce and protection
  • Protection of Consumer Interest in daily transaction.
  • To ensure correct quantities for the prices paid.
 Major Functions the Departmen
    • Original /Re verification of weights and measures used in transaction or protection
    • Inspection of trade premises for enforcement of statutes.
    • Issue of various licenses such as Manufacturer, Repairer, Dealer of weights and measures
    • Issue of Packer/Importer Registration Certificates
    • Ensuring the purity of gold on request and for detecting violations.
    • Follow up of offences detected, including prosecution of offenders wherever needed.
    • Regulation of sale of packaged commodities

Duties & Functions Of Officers

State Government by notification appoints a Controller of Legal Metrology. The qualification of Controller shall be such as prescribed by the Rule.
The Controller shall exercise the powers of functions as specified in the section 14 of Act 2009. The Controller shall also exercise the powers delegated by the Director Legal Metrology, he/she shall :

  • Exercise the powers of Director delegated to him under sub section (7) of section 13 of the Act, subject to sub-section (8) of the said section.
  • Implement the provisions of Act and Rules, in the State.
  • Grant licenses to manufacturer, repair and dealers of weight or measure (i)Suspension and cancellation of licenses.
  • Hear appeals filed under section 50 and decide the same in the manner as provided in sub-section (3) of section 50 or send back the case with such directions as he may think fit.
  • Provide working of secondary standard weights, measures, balances and such other equipments to every Legal Metrology Officer as per Enforcement Rules 2012, Government of Kerala.
  • Controller may compound offences and delegate the powers of compounding to the subordinate officers under the Act & Rules.
  • Delegate his powers except power of hearing of appeal under Section 50(d) to any Legal Metrology Officer.
  • Delegate his powers except power of hearing of appeal under Section 50(d) to any Legal Metrology Officer.
  • Annual Confidential Report of Joint Controller, Administrative Officer, Law Officer.
  • Exercise the Powers & Duties as directed by the state Government from time to time.


  • Exercise the powers conferred on him by the Act and delegated the powers of Controller of Legal Metrology under sub section 7 of section 13 of the Act, subject to subsection 8 of said section of the Act within his local limit.
  • Assist controller in all matters of administration and supervision.
  • Supervise the work of all Legal Metrology Officers within the State and give directions to them from time to time.
  • Assist the Controller in appeals filed under Section 50 of the Act 2009 if needed.
  • Supervise and control the staff members of Head Quarters.
  • Seek Orders from the Controller in the matter of inspection of field officers and Carry out inspection as per directives of the Controller.
  • Periodical review of work of Assistant Controllers.
  • Annual Inspection of Assistant Controller office and Deputy Controller Office.
  • Make arrangement to conduct training programme for all officers of the Department
  • Reporting Officer of Annual Confidential Report of Deputy Controllers.


  • Exercise the powers conferred on him by the Act subject to the limitations as provided in sub-section 3 of section 14 and delegated powers of the Controller under sub-section (7) of section 13 of the Act, subject to sub-section (8) of said section of the Act, within his local limit.
  • Approval of Annual Verification Programme of Assistant Controllers/Legal Metrology Officers.
  • Carry out office inspections of subordinate offices within his local limit.
  • Compounding of offences under the Act and Rules as authorized by the Controller.
  • Organize Consumer awareness programme in regional level.
  • Periodical review of works of Assistant controllers & Inspectors.
  • Annual inspection of Inspector offices under the jurisdiction.
  • Liaison Officer for monitoring of Land acquisition for departmental purpose.

In addition to the above duties Deputy Controller, Ernakulam shall perform the following duties also :-

Control the functions of Gold purity Testing Lab and NABL accreditation related matters.


  • He shall assist Controller and Joint Controller in the matters related to officers establishment and appeals filed under Section 50 of the Act.
  • Assist Controller for complaint redressal.
  • Assist Superiors to conduct office Inspection of Legal Metrology Officers.
  • Consolidate monthly reports of the state.
  • Prepare Programme for conducting various campaign with the approval of Joint Controller and Controller.
  • Registration of packers/ importers/ manufacturers, issue of licence.
  • Perform duty as State Public Information in the office of the Controller.
  • To assist superiors in providing Seal dies & punches to Legal Metrology Officers.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by Controller/ Joint Controller/ Deputy Controller.


  • Custodian of Secondary Standards in the State.
  • Maintaining Secondary Standard Laboratory.
  • Verification and certification of working standards and Check measures of Legal Metrology Officers.
  • Calibration and Certification of instruments used by the industrial and other organizations.
  • Periodical verification and Certification of Secondary Standards with RRSL/NPL.
  • To conduct proper training on maintenance of working Standards.
  • Conduct frequent inspection in the working standard laboratories of Legal Metrology Officers.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by Controller/ Joint Controller/ Deputy Controller.


  • The Assistant Controller (General) shall exercise the powers conferred on him by the Act or Rules and powers delegated by the Controller.
  • Super wise the work of inspector in his jurisdiction.
  • Supervise the work of verification and stamping of the Legal Metrology Officers in his jurisdiction.
  • Conduct surprise inspection at Legal Metrology Officers office within his jurisdiction as well as verification camps.
  • Arrange special inspection and forward to concerned Deputy Controller.
  • To conduct monthly reviews of the work of inspectors and forward to concerned Deputy Controller.
  • . To organize classes and consumer awareness programme for the public, NGO’s, Residents Associations etc.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by Controller/ Joint Controller/ Deputy Controller.


  • Conduct Surprise inspections at trade/ transaction Premises.
  • To exercise the powers conferred on him by the Act/ Rules and the Powers delegated by the Controller within his local limit.
  • To carryout inspections of premises on complaint or otherwise in the manner and for the purpose as provided in the relevant sections of the Act.
  • Receive Application on receipt of prescribed fees for granting license for Manufacturer/ Dealer/Retailer of Weights and Measures, verification of documents processing and forwarding the same to the Controller through proper channel.
  • Arrange special inspection and forward to concerned Deputy Controller.
  • Renew the Manufacturer/ Dealer/Retailer Licenses , allocations on receipt of prescribed fees and for renewal of license for Manufacturer/ Dealer/Retailer of Weight & Measures.
  • Receive Application along with necessary document on receipt of prescribed fees for granting certificate of registration as packer/manufacturer/importer and Certificate processing and forwarding the same to the Controller through proper Channel.
  • Carryout inspections at the premises of Manufacturer/ Dealer/Retailer.
  • Carryout calibration works/verification work as assigned by Controller from time to time.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by Controller/ Joint Controller/ Deputy Controller.


  • Enforcing Discipline in the field of Manufacturing and packaged commodities in respect of the net quantity.
  • . Conducting inspections at manufacturing and packing premises with a view to checking or detecting violation in respect of net quantity verification under PC Rules.
  • Launching and conducting effecting prosecution proceedings against offenders committing net quantity violation under Legal Metrology Act 2009.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by Controller/ Joint Controller/ Deputy Controller.


  • Conducting the cases before the Hon. High Court in cases where the department or the Government arranged as Parties
  • Instructing the Adv.General on Government pleaders to successfully conduct the cases.
  • Producing Case law, Precedents, documents, models, etc before the High Court to make the Hon. Court aware of the pointed in favour of the department or government.
  • Assist the Government pleader and prosecutions and making them enlightened of the prosecutions of the law so as to make the prosecution successful.
  • Preparing complaints & affidavits in prosecution cases to ensure that the offenders are convicted by the court of law.


  • The office of the Senior Inspector (General) is usually situated at Head Quarters.
  • Exercise the powers conferred on him by the Act subject to the limitations as provided in sub section 3 of section 14 and delegated powers of the Controller under sub section(7)of section 13 of the Act. Subject to sub-section(8) of said section of the Act within his local limit
  • Receive and deposit verification fees as Provided in Kerala Legal Metrology Enforcement Rules 2011, any other system provided by the Department for the same.
  • Search and inspect the premises within his local limit for implementing various provisions of The Legal Metrology Act and Rules made there under as and when required
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by Controller/ Joint Controller/ Deputy Controller/Assistant Controller.
  • Carryout the work of verification and stamping of weight and measure within the local jurisdiction. The advance intimation regarding the verification should be given to the respective.
  • Launching and conducting effective prosecution proceedings against offenders committing violation under Legal Metrology Act & Rules of the cases which are not compounded departmentally.
  • Deal with seized goods strictly in the manner as provided in the respective Rules (Rule 22 of Legal Metrology General Rule 2011).
  • Submit various report regularly to the higher authority.
  • Carryout the adjustment of weight or measure if required and authorized.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned directed by Controller, Joint Controller, Deputy Controller, Assistant Controller.


  • Verification and Stamping of the Taxi meters.a. Verification and Stamping of the Taxi meters.
  • To conduct frequent Surprise Inspections and detect the violations and take legal action against the offender in accordance with the Act and Rules.
  • To proceeds cases against the offender in the Court.
  • Do all other General and Official duties prescribed as a duty and responsibilities of the Inspector/Senior Inspector of Legal Metrology

The Documents Produced/Collected at the First time, before the Taxi meter fitted with the Auto rickshaw :-

  • The Original Purchase Bill of the Taxi Meter.
  • Copies of the original Verification Certificate of Taxi Meter signed by the dealer
  • Attested copies of Registration Certificate and Permit. (Attested by a gazetted Officer).
  • Copy of the Driving Licence/ID proof of the Driver, who presented the vehicle for Testing (and the mobile number if necessary).
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by Controller/ Joint Controller/ Deputy Controller.

To collect all these documents, then verify the number of the Taxi Meter in the bill and in the certificate are same or not, and the purchase bill is properly filled and also check the Model and Serial Number of Taxi Meter entered in the Registration Certificate/Permit are match with the entries of the bill and the Original Verification Certificate

Besides these to ensure the seal and stamp which are put at the Original Verification time is intact not removed, not tampered.

After that, the person who is in charge of giving date for Taxi Meter verification, give suitable date and put a seal shown below and duly filled and signed and returned all documents.

At the time of reverification:-

  • A thorough check made about the present condition of the seal and stamp previously put at the time last stamping, whether it is in good condition, and ensure that the seal is intact and not damaged or tampered
  • Collect the original certificate issued at the time of last stamping.
  • If the owner changed, it should be recorded in the RC Book and attested by the authority
  • Copies of the Driving licence/ID Card of the driver of the Auto rickshaw presented for testing.

When the Tariff Changed:-

Check all the points previously mentioned, and put a seal shown below and duly filled and signed.

The seal is to be broken either by the Legal Metrology Officer or authorized person in charge of the Legal Metrology Officer.

These Taxi Meter are verified and stamped with in the specified time prescribed in the Rule.

All the Taxi Meters are tested and checked for the accuracy in accordance with the Test Methods prescribed in the General Rules, and it is come under with in the tolerance prescribed, it is stamped and sealed as per the provisions of the Act and Rules.

After these, before issuing the certificate to the concerned party, put two types of declaration by using rubber seal and it is put up on the face side of the certificate shown below.


  • Calibration of vehicle tanks for petroleum products and other liquids comes under 9th schedule part 1 of Legal Metrology (General) Rules 2011. A vehicle tank is an assembly used for measurement and delivery of liquids comprising a tank which may or may not be subdivided into compartments, mounted upon a vehicle together with its necessary pipings, valves meters etc.
  • Every vehicle tank should be calibrated once in a year by the Legal Metrology Officer Before starting the calibration of the vehicle tank the user shall remit the stamping fee and user fee as prescribed in the Rule. Before doing the calibration the following details shall be recorded. Viz. registration number vehicle, name of manufacturer,product to be carried, model chassis number, engine number, permit number permitted load, explosive license number, tank length tank breadth tank height number of spring leaf front, number of spring leaf middle, number of spring leaf rear, tire size etc. Before starting the calibration the vehicle tank should be inspected thoroughly through the manhole to ensure that the inside of the compartments are in compliance with the approved drawing. Firstly, bring the vehicle tank into the horizontal calibration bay ensuring that all spirit level are in same height. Also ensure that the tyre pressures are same. Each compartment t will be filled with water using prover measures having the capacity 2000, 1000, 500 and 250 litres with respect to the capacity of the vehicle Tank. The prover is made of stainless steel and density of water for using the calibration is 1 gram/cc. The filling process is very accurate and precise. After filling the water in the compartment, oil level and proof level of each compartment of the vehicle tank is taken, using the dip rod by pasting water paste in it. After Calibration the man holes are closed using nuts and bolts and then sealing is performed by lead and twisted wire. The emblem is punched on the lead by using plier.
  • Normally the dip rod is square and hexagonal in cross section and markings on each face of the dip rod represents each compartments. The compartments of vehicle tanks are distinguished by giving numbers as 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Engine number, chaises number and vehicle registration number etc are also scribed on the dip rod after calibration. The emblem of the inspector is also punched on the dip rod. The prover measures in the calibration bay are calibrated once I every three months using the check measure having the capacity of 20 liters, which is calibrated by the working standard capacity measures.
  • The existing fee for calibration is Rs. 75 for 100 liters and thereafter Rs. 10 for every multiples of 100 liters. The user fee is Rs.5 for each 100 liters. A certificate in this regard is issued in a prescribed form having the validity of one year


  • Exercise the Powers conferred on him by the Act subject to the limitation as provided in sub section 3 of the Sec.14 and delegated powers of Controller under Sub Sec.7 of Sec. 13 of the Act subject to the sub.sec.8 of the Act within his local jurisdiction.
  • Receive and deposit verification fees as provided in the rules.
  • Carry out the work of verification and stamping of Weight or Measure within his jurisdiction as per the approved programme of controller.
  • Search and inspect the premises within his local limit for implementing various provisions of the Legal Metrology Act and Rules made there under as and when required.
  • Book offences and take appropriate action as per the provisions of the Act and Rules.
  • Issue compounding/show cause notice to the accused, received the amount of the compounding fee as per the section of Act/Rule, and get ratification or the concerned higher officer.
  • File the case in the Court of Law within the period of limitation if the offence is not compoundable or if the offence is compoundable for the accused did not agree to compound
  • Work as in charge of Working Standard Laboratories.
  • Deal with seized goods strictly in the manner as provided in the respective rules.
  • Inspect every licensees premises in his jurisdiction periodically.
  • Submit various reports regularly to the higher authority.
  • Adjust Weight or Measure if needed.
  • Keep Departmental stamps, Dies and Pliers in his safe custody.
  • Any other duties and functions assigned by Controller, Joint Controller, Deputy Controller or Assistant Controller.
  • Maintenance of office Cash Book


  • Exercise the Powers conferred on him by the Act subject to the limitation as provided in sub section 3 of the Sec.14 and delegated powers of Controller under Sub Sec.7 of Sec. 13 of the Act subject to the sub.sec.8 of the Act within his local jurisdiction.
  • Carry out the work of verification and stamping of Weight or Measure within his jurisdiction as per the approved programme of controller.
  • Search and inspect the premises within his local limit for implementing various provisions of the Legal Metrology Act and Rules made there under as and when required.
  • Book offences and take appropriate action as per the provisions of the Act and Rules.
  • Issue compounding/show cause notice to the accused, received the amount of the compounding fee as per the section of Act/Rule, and get ratification or the concerned higher officer.
  • File the case in the Court of Law within the period of limitation if the offence is not compoundable or if the offence is compoundable for the accused did not agree to compound.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by higher officer.


  • Custodian of all equipments and materials in the laboratory including bullion samples received in the lab for testing.
  • Ensuring periodical calibration of all instruments used in the lab.
  • Sampling of items for testing.
  • Samples for XRF.
  • Samples for cupellation.
  • Initial weighment of Assay samples and coding of assay samples. (Before cupellation).
  • Final weighment of gold.
  • . Preparation of Assay Reports.
  • Overall supervision of entire lab activities.
  • Up keeping and maintenance of laboratory.
  • Such other duties as assigned by the Controller, Legal Metrology


  • Custody and maintenance of laboratory records.
  • Maintenance of stocks
  • Cupellation of samples (Performance of Fire Assay).
  • Assist Assay Master in the up keeping and maintenance of laboratory.
  • Such other duties as assigned by the Controller, Legal Metrology.

The Technical Assistant is having a very important role in effectively carrying out various activities of the Laboratory. He should conduct all activities pertaining to calibration in the Secondary Standards Laboratory with utmost degree of accuracy under the strict supervision guidance and monitoring of Assistant Controller of Secondary Standards Laboratory. He can also suggest points for the improvement of the functioning of the Laboratory, that is in the method of calibration and updation of operating procedure in accordance with the Legal Metrology Act and Rules which result in enhancing the quality of calibration.

  • Technical Assistant should maintain the Secondary Standards Laboratory systematically.
  • Technical Assistant is the custodian of the Secondary Standads Lab equipments like , Electronic Balances, Mechanical Balances, Capacity measures, Length measures,weights etc.
  • Timely presentation of Secondary Standards Equipments for verification/reverification before the statutory bodies like Bangalore, NPL New Delhi etc.
  • Preparation and submission of Reports related to Secondary Standards Lab as and when required.
  • Maintain records for Secondary Standard and Working Standard Laboratory Equipments.
  • Maintenance of Secondary Standard and Working Standard Laboratory Equipments
  • Conduct timely verification and calibration of working standards like Electronic/Mechanical Balances, Weights, Capacity measures, Length Measures etc.
  • Onsite verification of working Standard balances at various laboratories under the department situated in Legal Metrology Offices.
  • Preparation of verification Certificate
  • Since the Secondary Standards Lab possesses NABL accreditation, TA should be an active member of NABL team and he should carryout his role in the NABL related activities (Calibration and documentation) also.
  • In addition to the above duties and responsibilities, Technical Assistant should carry out any additional duty assigned by the Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology (Secondary Standard Laboratory) or higher authorities.


  • He shall keep and update Census Register.
  • Compile data of verified weight or measure and make the necessary entries in the stamping fee register and get it approved by the concerned higher officer.
  • Assist the Assistant Controller/inspector for camp shifting/ camp work/ verification work and take care of departmental equipments and tools.
  • Verify the documents and number of articles presented by trader/repairer and prepare Verification Certificate and to submit the same for higher officer forsignature.
  • Assist the officer for verification work of weight or measure.
  • Maintain the detailed register of the users of weight or measure.
  • Keep the Working Standard laboratory and stamping equipments neat and clean.
  • Help the officer to maintain the records and files updated and preserve them neatly.
  • Help the officer in court cases.
  • To prepare Defaulters Register in the prescribed performa.
  • Remittance of cash the treasury as directed by the Legal Metrology Officer.
  • Discharge any other duties and functions assigned or directed by controlling Officers of the Department.

Channels of Supervision and Accountability

SI No Name of Service Designated Officer 1st Appellate Authority 2nd AppellateAuthority
1 Re-verification and stamping of weight and measures
(b) Insitu(at the site of user)
(a) Camp/Office
Inspector/Senior Inspector Assistant Controller DeputyController
2 Original Verification and Stamping of weight or measure
(a) Camp/Office
(b) Insitu(at the site of user)
(c) Original verification or Re verification of fuel dispensing stations and weigh bridges
Assistant Controller Deputy Controller Controller
3 Registration ofmanufacturer/packer Controller Secretary,Consumer affairs Dept Chief Secretary
4 Licensing of Manufacturer/Repairer/Dealer Controller Secretary,Consumer affairs Dept Chief Secretary
5 Renewal of License of repairer/dealer/manufacturer Assistant Controller Deputy Controller Controller
6 Alteration in registration certificates issued to Manufacturer/packer Controller Secretary, Consumer affairs Dept Chief Secretary
7 Alteration of repair, dealer,manufacturing Licenses Controller Secretary, Consumer affairs Dept Chief Secretary
8 Issue of duplicate repair, dealer, manufacturing Licenses Controller Secretary, Consumer affairs Dept Chief Secretary
9 Complaints on Contravention of Legal Metrology Act and Rules received by Inspector/Senior Inspector Inspector/ Senior Inspector Assistant Controller Deputy Controller
10 Complaints on Contravention of Legal Metrology Act and Rules received by Assistant Controllers Assistant Controller Deputy Controller Controller

ചുമതലകള്‍ നിറവേറ്റുന്നതിനായി  രൂപം നല്‍കിയ മാനദണ്ഡങ്ങള്‍

സര്‍ക്കാരിന്‍റെ  നിര്‍ദേശങ്ങള്‍, ബിസിനെസ്സ് റൂള്‍സ് , ലീഗല്‍ മെട്രോളജി നിയമവും ചട്ടങ്ങളും  എന്നിവയാണ് വകുപ്പ് പിന്തുടരുന്നത്

ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി ആക്ട് 2009

ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി (പാക്കേജ്‌ഡ്‌ കമ്മോഡിറ്റീസ് ) ചട്ടങ്ങൾ 2011

കേരള ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി (എൻഫോഴ്‌സ്‌മെന്റ് ) ചട്ടങ്ങൾ 2012

ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി (മോഡലുകളുടെ അംഗീകാരം  ) ചട്ടങ്ങൾ 2011

ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി (ജനറൽ ) ചട്ടങ്ങൾ 2011

ഇന്ത്യൻ ഇൻസ്റ്റിടുട്ട് ഓഫ് ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി ചട്ടങ്ങൾ 2011

ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി (ഗവണ്മെന്റ് അപ്പ്രൂവ്ഡ് ടെസ്റ്റിംഗ് സെന്റർ) ചട്ടങ്ങൾ 2013

കേരള ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി മാനുവൽ

കേരള ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി വിശേഷാൽ ചട്ടങ്ങൾ ( സ്റ്റേറ്റ് സർവീസ് )

കേരള ലീഗൽ മെട്രോളജി വിശേഷാൽ ചട്ടങ്ങൾ ( സബോർഡിനേറ്റ് സർവീസ് )

ഭരണ റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട്‌  (2009-10 മുതല്‍ 2014-15 വരെ)




Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
V.K.Abdul Kader,


Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2305996 8281698100 clm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Reenagopal . R, Adl. Controller Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8281698001 jctvm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Priya V K, Administrative Officer Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8281698005 ao.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Preethy Leonold, Finance Officer Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8921622629 prithibetty@gmail.com
Susal A Chinnan , Law Officer Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8281698006 lo.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Abdul Hafees, Deputy Controller (HQ) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8281698007 achq.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Edwin Prasad S, Senior Supdt (Internal Audit) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8281698008
V Priyachandran,Senior Supdt. (DDO) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 9188525715 ss.lmd@kerala.gov.in
G.R. Rajeev,Junior Supdt. (Estt) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8281698009 js1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Nusaifa Beevi, Junior Supdt. (Enf) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2303821 8281698010 js2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
Jayachandran P (i/c), Joint Controller (Southern Region) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens, Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2495058 8281698002 dctvm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
P S Pradeep (i/c) . Deputy Controller (General), Thiruvananthapuram Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,
Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2496227 8281698011 actvm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
P S Pradeep , Deputy Controller(FS), Thiruvananthapuram Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2494752 8281698020 acfstvm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Binu Balak . Assistant Controller, Thiruvananthapuram Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2496227 8281698012 silmtvm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sarathnath, Assistant Controller (Auto) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2496227 8281698013 silmattvm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
S S chandra Babu, Inspector (Circle-2), Thiruvananathapuram Legal Metrology Bhavan,Vrindavan Gardens,Pattom Palace P.O, Thiruvananthapuram
0471-2496227 8281698014 ilmtvm2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Jyothi Elizebath George, Inspector,( Circle-1), Neyyattinkara Civil Station, Neyyattinkara ,
0471-2224710 8281698017 ilmnta1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sureshkumar V, Inspector,Circle-2), Neyyattinkara Civil Station, Neyyattinkara ,
0471-2224710 8281698018 ilmnta2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
A.Shajahan, Inspector, Nedumangad Mancha,Nedumangad
0472-2803965 8281698016 ilmndd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Anilkumar. V.L, Inspector, Attingal Civil Station, Kacheri Junction,Attingal
0470-2625499 8281698015 ilmatl.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Manju R V , Inspector,Varkala Opp. S.N.Mission Hospital, Puthenchantha
0470-2604144 9400064081 ilmvkla.lmd@kerala.gov.in
S Sreekumar, Inspector, kattakkada Rohini Building,Near Police Station, kattakkada
0471-2293320 9400064080 ilmktda.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
P.Jayachandran, Deputy Controller (General) Near Railway Station, Junction, Kadappakkada,
0474-2745631 8281698021 acklm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
L Sandra John, Deputy Controller (FS) Near Railway Station, Prathibha Junction, Kadappakkada,
0474-2745631 8281698028 acfsklm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
M S Santhosh, Assistant Controller Near Railway Station, Prathibha Junction, Kadappakkada,
0474-2745631 8281698022 silmklm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
B Muraleedharan Pillai ,Inspector, (Circle-2),Kollam Near Railway Station, Prathibha Junction, Kadappakkada,
0474-2745631 8281698023 ilmklm2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Deepu K ,Inspector, karunagappally Padanayar South,Karunagappally
0476-2631231 8281698025 ilmkly.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Shafeer A,Inspector,Kottarakkara Mini Civil Station,Kottarakkara
8281698026 ilmktra.lmd@kerala.gov.in
D P Sreekumar,Inspector,Punalur Kuthirachira,Punalur
0475-2220185 8281698027 ilmpnl.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sureshkumar K G, Inspector, Kunnathur Bharanikkavu,Sasthamkotta
0476-2834499 8281698024 ilmkntr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
P.P.Alexander,Inspector,Pathanapuram Nadukkunnu Junction, Pathanapuram 9400064082 ilmptp.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
K R Vipin,Deputy Controller (General) Thaikkavu Lane,Pettah,Pathanamthitta
0468-2322853 8281698029 acpta.lmd@kerala.gov.in
K R Vipin (i/c),Deputy Controller(FS) Payyanaman,Muringamangalam, Konni,Pathanamthitta
0468-2341213 8281698035 acfspta.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sujith K G,Assistant Controller Thaikkavu Lane,Pettah,Pathanamthitta
0468-2322853 8281698030 silmpta.lmd@kerala.gov.in
U.Ally,Inspector,Mallappally Chengaroor P.O, Musarikavala, Mallappally
0469-2785064 8281698034 ilmmly.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Athul,Inspector,Adoor Revenue Tower, Adoor
0473-4221749 8281698031 ilmadr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Abhilash K,,Inspector,Ranni Mini Civil Station,Ranni
0473-5223194 8281698033 ilmrni.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Ramya Chandran Inspector,Thiruvalla Revenue Tower,Thiruvalla
0496-2636525 8281698032 ilmtvla.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Abdul Khader A, Inspector,Konni Payyanaman, Muringamangalam, Konni, Pathanamthitta
0468-2341213 9400064083 ilmkonni.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
Shyni Vasavan,Deputy Controller (General) Mini Civil Station,Alappuzha
0477-2230647 8281698036 acalp.lmd@kerala.gov.in
N C Santhosh, Deputy Controller (FS) Mini Civil Station,Alappuzha
0477-2230647 8281698043 acfsalp.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Ratheesh A (i/c),Assistant Controller Mini Civil Station,Alappuzha
0477-2230647 8281698037 silmalp.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Smitha Ramakrishnan, Inspector,Chengannur Mini Civil Station,Chengannur
0479-2457270 8281698040 ilmcngr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Ratheesh A Inspector,Mavelikkara Mini Civil Station,Mavelikkara
0479-2309568 8281698039 ilmmvl.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Jayalekshmi R Inspector,Karthikappally 1/201, Harippadu, Karthikappally,
0479-2418031 8281698038 ilmkply.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sudha,Inspector,Kuttanad Thekkekkara,Mankombu,Kuttanad
0477-2703474 8281698041 ilmktnd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Praveen P Inspector,Cherthala Mini Civil Station,Cherthala
0478-2818741 8281698042 ilmchl.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
E P Anilkumar,Deputy Controller (General) Mini Civil Station,Kottayam
0481-2582998 8281698044 acktm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Safiya,Deputy Controller (FS) Mini Civil Station,Kottayam
0481-2582998 8281698051 acfsktm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
K K Udayan,Assistant Controller Mini Civil Station,Kottayam
0481-2582998 8281698045 silmktm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
K B Buhari, Inspector (Circle-2)(FS) Mini Civil Station,Kottayam
0481-2582998 8281698046 ilmktm2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Binumon P K,Inspector, Pala Cethimattam,Pala
0482-2213860 8281698049 ilmpla.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Aparna S Menon ,Inspector, Vaikom Vadakkenada, Vaikom
0482-9214140 8281698048 ilmvkm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Anu Gopinath,Inspector, Kanjirappally K V M S Road, Ponkunnam, Kanjirappally
0482-8225423 8281698050 ilmknply.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sajeeb A K,Inspector, Changanassery Revenue Tower, Changanassery
0481-2412155 8281698047 ilmcng.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sheik Shibu S,Deputy Controller (General) Mini Civil Station,New Block, Thodupuzha
0486-2222638 8281698052 acidk.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Shamon C,Deputy Controller (FS) Mini Civil Station,New Block, Thodupuzha
0486-2222638 8281698057 acfsidk.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Shinto Abraham, Assistant Controller Mini Civil Station,New Block, Thodupuzha
0486-2222638 8281698053 silmidk.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Abdulla M A (i/c),Inspector, Munnar Near KSRTC Bus Stand, Munnar
0486-5232634 8281698055 ilmmnr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Abdulla M A, Inspector,Peerumed Peerumed, Idukki
0486-9233084 8281698056 ilmprmd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sanjay Soman,Inspector, Udumbanchola Erattayar Junction, Vellayamkudy, Kattappana
0486-232523 8281698054 ilmktpna.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Vipin U V,Inspector, Idukki Old Taluk Office Building, Udumbanchola,
0486-8251197 9400064084 ilmidk.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
J C Jeeson, Joint Controller, Central Zone Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428761 8281698003 dcekm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
B I sailas, Deputy Controller (General) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2423180 8281698058 acekm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
K D Nishad,Deputy Controller (FS) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428772 8281698067 acfsekm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
S V Manojmukar, Deputy Controller (Net Content) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428761 8281698073 acncekm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Suja Joseph,Deputy Controller (Central Lab) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428771 8281698068 acclekm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Muhammad Ismail, Assistant Controller Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2423180 8281698059 silmekm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
K B Venu, Inspector (Circle-2), Ernakulam Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2423180 8281698060 ilmekm2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Youjin Pasil, Inspector, Kochi Santa Maria Building, Near St.Luke Hospital,Chullikkal, Kochi
0484-2227219 8281698061 ilmkochi.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Abhilash K S,Assistant Controller (Vehicle Tank) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428771 8281698070 silmvt.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Mary Fancy P X, Assistant Controller (Auto) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428771 8281698069 silmatekm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Gayathri,Inspector (VST 1) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428771 8281698071 ilmvst1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Akhil Zacharia,

Inspector (VST 2)

Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428771 8281698072 ilmvst2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Jali Antony, Junior Assay, Master, Gold Assaying Lab Legal Metrology Bhavan,Kakkanad, Ernakulam
0484-2428771 9074879047
Babu K George, Inspector, Aluva Mini Civil Station,Aluva
0484-2621746 8281698063 ilmalv.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Mary Fancy, Inspector,North Paravur Mini Civil Station, Paravur Main
0484-2444676 8281698062 ilmprvr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Mahesh M, Inspector, Moovattupuzha Mini Civil Station,Moovattupuzha
0485-2812995 8281698065 ilmmvp.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Saju M S, Inspector, Kothamangalam Mini Civil Station, Kothamngalam
8281698066 ilmktmlg.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Balu O B,Inspector, Perumbavoor Kaladi Junction, Perumbavoor
0484-2596496 8281698064 ilpmbr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
Xavier P Ignatius,Deputy Controller (General) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Olarikkara, Thrissur
0487-2363612 8281698075 actsr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Anup V Umesh, Deputy Controller(FS) Legal Metrology Bhavan,Olarikkara, Thrissur
0487-2363615 8281698084 acfstsr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Meena A T,Assistant Controller Legal Metrology Bhavan,Olarikkara,Thrissur
0484-2363612 8281698076 silmtsr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sarath N S, Inspector (Cirle-2), Thrissur Legal Metrology Bhavan,Olarikkara, Thrissur
0487-2363612 8281698077 ilmtsr2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
John M John,Inspector, Water Meter Legal Metrology Bhavan,Olarikkara, Thrissur
0487-2363612 9400064088 ilmattsr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Susha Sugathan, Inspector (Cirle-1), Irinjalikkuda Mini Civil Station,Irinjalikkuda,
0480-2833744 8281698081 ilminj1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Rathnamony P K, Inspector (Cirle-2), Irinjalakkuda Mini Civil Station,Irinjalakkuda
0480-2833744 8281698082 ilminj1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Mahesh Babu,Inspector, Vadakkancherry Railway Station Road, Vadakkancherry
04884-234205 8281698079 ilmvdry.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Bibin A B,Inspector,Kodungalloor Mini Civil Station,Kodungalloor
0480-2809065 8281698083 ilmkdlr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Bhavya E G,Inspector, Chavakkad Mini Civil Station, Chavakkad
0487-2502208 8281698078 ilmcvkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sandeep A C, Inspector,Chalakkudy Mini Civil Station,Chalakkudy
0480-2703612 9400064085 ilmchlkdy.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Bindu Vincent, Inspector,Kunnamkulam Yesudas Road,Kunnamkulam
4885-224612 9400064086 ilmknklm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
A C Sasikala,Deputy Controller (General) Civil Station, Palakkad
0491-2505268 8281698085 acplkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
E Vinodkumar,Deputy Controller (FS) Civil Station, Palakkad
0491-2505268 8281698092 acfsplkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Alance B C, Assistant Controller Civil Station, Palakkad
0491-2505268 8281698086 silmplkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Manoj V R (i/c), Inspector (Cirle-1),Ottappalam Mini Civil Station, OttappalamLegal Metrology Bhavan,Olarikkara, Thrissur
0466-2249796 8281698089 ilmotplm1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Manoj V R, Inspector (Cirle-2), Ottappalam Mini Civil Station,Ottappalam
0466-2249796 8281698090 ilmotplm2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Jeena I R, Inspector, Alathur Puthiyangam P.O,Alathur
0492-2225785 8281698091 ilmalthr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Mohandas P,Inspector,Chittoor Mini Civil Station, Chittoor
0492-3223344 8281698087 ilmchtr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Mohandas (i/c), Inspector,Mannarkad Mini Civil Station, Mannarkad
0492-4226671 8281698088 ilmmnrd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Soumya P, Inspector,Pattambi 3/158 A1, Thekkumuri, Pattambi
0466-2213111 9400064087 imptmbi.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
Suja S Mani, Deputy Controller (General) Mini Civil Station, Manjeri, Malappuram
0483-2766157 8281698093 acmlpm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Bimal S, Deputy Controller (FS), Mini Civil Station,Manjeri,Malappuram
0483-2766157 8281698103 acfsmlpm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Jawahar T G,Assistant Controller, Mini Civil Station, Manjeri, Malappuram
0483-2766157 8281698094 silmmlpm.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Vasudevan K K , Inspector (Cirle-2), Malappuram Mini Civil Station, Manjeri,Malappuram
0483-2766157 8281698095 ilmmlpm2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Abdul Kareem K K, Inspector (Circle-1), Tirur Block office compound, Thekkummuri P.O, Tirur
0494-2422800 8281698096 ilmtrur1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Uma M G, Inspector (Cirle-2), Tirur Block Office Compound, Thekkummuri P.O,Tirur
0494-2422800 8281698097 ilmtrur2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
T J Jinson, Inspector, Ponnani Kodathippady, Ponnani
0494-2665434 8281698099 ilmpni.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Renjith R.S, Inspector, Perinthalmanna Near Court II, Perinthalmanna
0493-3224857 8281698102 ilmplmna.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sudevan K K (i/c), Inspector,Nilambur Jyothippady,Nilambur
0493-1223114 8281698101 ilmnlmbr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
, Inspector, Thirurangadi Mini Civil Station, Thirurangadi
0494-246445 8281698098 ilmtngdy.lmd@kerala.gov.in
K.K.Sudevan,Inspector, Kondotty Kuruppath,Kondotti,Malappuram
0483-2714788 9400064089 ilmkdty.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
K C Chandini, Joint Controller, North Zone Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2371897 8281698004 dckkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sreemurali (i/c), Deputy Controller (General) Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2374203 8281698104 ackkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sreemurali , Deputy Controller (FS) Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2371757 8281698115 acfskkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Nasser K K, Assistant Controller Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2374203 8281698105 silmkkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sirajudeen, Assistant Controller (Auto) Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2374203 8281698106 silmatkkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Vacant, Inspector (Circle-2) Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2374203 8281698107 ilmkkd2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Binoy K, Inspector (Circle-3) Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2374203 8281698108 ilmkkd3.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Jamsheed K P, Inspector (Circle-4) Civil Station, Kozhikkode
0495-2374203 8281698109 ilmkkd4.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Prabith P, Inspector (circle-1)Vadakara Kulam Bazar, Vadakara
0496-2524441 8281698113 ilmvdra1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sheeja Adiyodi,Inspector (Circle-2),Vadakara Kulam Bazar, Vadakara
0496-2524441 8281698114 ilmvdra2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Vacant,Inspector (Circle-1),Koyilandi Bappankode Jn., Near New Bus stand,Dream Mall, Koyilandi
0496-2623032 8281698110 ilmkldy1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Vacant, Inspector (Circle-2), Koyilandi Bappankode Jn., Near New Bus stand,Dream Mall, Koyilandi
0496-2623032 8281698112 ilmkldy2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
K.V.Sudeep,Inspector, Thamarassery Building No. TP-5/217, Near Grameen Nyayalayam
0495-2980040 9400064091 ilmtmsry.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
Rajesh Sam, Deputy Controller (General) Muncipal Building, Kalppetta,Wayanad
04936-203370 8281698116 acwyd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
S.D.Sushaman,Deputy Controller (FS) i/c Muncipal Building, Kalppetta,Wayanad
04936-203370 8281698120 acfswyd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Ramees T P, Assistant Controller Muncipal Building, Kalppetta,Wayanad
04936-203370 8281698117 silmwyd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Ramees T P (i/c), Inspector,Mananthavady Dwaraka,Nalloornadu,Mananthavady
04935-244863 8281698119 ilmmnvd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Firoz P, Inspector,Sulthanbathery Inspector office, Sulthanbathery 04936-246395 8281698118 ilmslbry.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
K Sheelan, Deputy Controller (General) i/c Highway Jn., Near Olacherykavu, Chirakkal, Kannur 0497-2706503 8281698121 acknr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sajithraj K N, Deputy Controller (FS) Highway Jn., Near Olacherykavu, Chirakkal, Kannur 0497-2706504 8281698127 acfsknr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
P Pradeep, Assistant Controller Highway Jn., Near Olacherykavu, Chirakkal, Kannur 0497-2706503 8281698122 acfsknr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Anusreekrishnan, Inspector (Circle-2) Highway Jn., Near Olacherykavu, Chirakkal, Kannur 0497-2706503 8281698123 ilmknr2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sajeevkumar G , Inspector (Circle-1), Thalassery Civil Station, Thalassery 0490-2325621 8281698126 ilmtslry1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Soumya P, Inspector (Circle-2),Thalassery Civil Station, Thalasery
0490-2325621 9400064095 ilmtslry2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Prajina N V, Inspector (Circle-1), Thaliparamba Civil Station, Thaliparamba 0460-2200586 8281698124 ilmtlmb1.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Prajina N V (i/c), Inspector (Circle-2), Thaliparamba Civil Station, Thaliparamba 0460-2200586 8281698125 ilmtlmb2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sujithkumar. R.K, Inspector, Iritty Muncipal Mini stadium complex, 1st Floor, Mattannur P.O, Kannur
0490-2472290 9400064090 ilmirty.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Sujaya T, Inspector, Payyannur Orchid plaza, Korome Road, Perumba,Payyanur
0498-5202550 9400064092 ilmpynr.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Name Designation Address Office Telephone Mobile E-mail
P.Sreenivasa, Deputy Controller (General) Civil Station, Kasargod
0499-4256228 8281698128 acksd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
S S Abhilash, Deputy Controller (FS) Civil Station, Kasargod
0499-4256228 8281698132 acfsksd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Krishnakumar T K, Assistant Controller Civil Station, Kasargod
0499-4256228 8281698129 silksd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Shashikala (i/c), Inspector (Circle-2) Civil Station, Kasargod
0499-4256228 8281698130 ilmksd2.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Ramya K S, Inspector, Kanhangad Civil Station, Kanhangad
0467-2201073 8281698131 ilmknjd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Rathish M, Inspector, Vellarikund V.K.Mall, Near Sub Treasury, Vellarikund
0467-2242226 9400064093 ilmvkd.lmd@kerala.gov.in
Shashikala, Inspector, Manjeshwaram Hidayath Nagar,Uppala, Kasargod
04994-240266 9400064094 ilmmjr.lmd@kerala.gov.in




ഓഫീസ് പ്രവൃത്തി സമയം : 10.15  AM to 5.15 PM

ഇടവേള                                          : 01.15 PM to 2 PM


Note: The Rule 3 (2) of the RTI (Registry of Fee and Cost Rules) Act 2005 provides the application fee can be made  in the following format: (A) Court Fee Stamp (B) Transfer of the Demand draft / banker’s check / payment to the name of  SIO ( C) by remitting the amount to the Government Treasury